About me

About me and my pets

Hello! My name is Danielle and I have opened up Cheddarwood Pet Services because in a nutshell, I love animals!

I have always had a love for animals since I was a little girl and I have grown up with various pets from my hamsters, Queen Victoria and Rapidash (aka Steve McQueen), my fish, house rabbits, Crash and Tiny and my family dogs, Lady, Lille and Barney the charming Cockapoo.

My first dog was a Springer Spaniel which my sister and I named Lady (like Lady and the Tramp). We found her roaming the streets of Hull so we brought her home, gave her some food and she stayed the night being doused in love by me and my sister. My mum been the lovely honest lady she is, took her to the police to make sure that if she did have an owner, they would be reunited. Unfortunately she was never claimed and turned out to have been abandoned, so after two weeks at the police shelter, Lady came back to her forever home and was loved until her passing.

We then had a German Shepherd X Collie (that we know) called Lillie. We took Lilly in from being a puppy and she was adorable and well behaved from day one. Well, until her and my sister’s pet cat used to steal food together. She loved walks, playing, eating treats and getting lots of cuddles. Not a big fan of the trampoline though.

I then left home and studied at University, came home and travelled briefly before meeting my Partner Nathan. We moved in together and over the last 7 years have looked after friends and Family’s dogs and other pets. One of our main fans is my mum’s dog, Barney the Cockapoo who loves to come over and cause chaos in the house. How much do you think our cat’s love him?  

Now the rabbits. Crash (Crashtopher) and Tiny ( just Tiny). Tiny loved to binky around while Crash loved to laze about and dig in the garden pots. They were what I like to call “free range” as they didn’t have a cage and had free run of the kitchen and living room.

Since having the rabbits and wanting to provide the best care for them I have learnt a lot about them. I found that both had such different characteristics and I learnt a lot whilst they lived with us. Having rabbits has given me passion to ensure all animals are given the best care and treatment from the start. I enjoy researching to ensure I am providing the correct care for all animals/breeds.

We now have two cats, Bagheera (Baggy-Bum) who is our resident black moggy who has been with us since 2016 and Cheddar (Cheddar-Puss) who is our newest ginger moggy, who we got in 2021.

Bagheera loves to hunt, laze around and all around chill out. Cheddar, on the other hand, likes to annoy his brother by jumping on him and riding him across the living room like a wild stallion. They get on well!

I think by reading this about me section, you will find that I am incredibly passionate about animals and I will always strive to provide the best care possible. I’m a keen researcher and like to find out as much as possible about animal breeds to ensure the correct care is given to your furry family members.